I have been reading the numerous Steve Jobs articles since his death and something really bothers me. I am a big Android user. My phone, my tablet and almost all of the mobile development my team does. I like it and I like the potential of where we can take it. However in reading the Jobs articles, he was very clear that the Android o/s was a stolen idea. I believe what is bothering me is that even though I was not there personally, from what I have read I tend to believe the reasons behind what Jobs said.
Maybe like most technologist my age, I hang on to some idealistic view of the world and stealing something this significant is wrong even if there is never a court case that is brought forth.
Of course I know the whole "McIntosh was co-opted from PARC" story so maybe this is some type of karma payback.
But oddly I tend to give Jobs a pass but "Google as a thief" keeps lingering in my mind like some giant blue ray bit torrent movie download site.